What is Berkeley Community Media?

Berkeley Community Media is a media production haven for amateur and experienced filmmakers, television producers and students of all forms of life! We are a P.E.G. access television media center living right in the heart of Berkeley, California! BCM’s primary goal is to provide individuals and non-profit organizations space to learn how to produce media as well as share it with their community! Our television channels are on the air 24 hours a day, seven days a week, cablecasting voices from all over the San Francisco Bay Area! Look for us on B-TV Channels 28 & 33 on Comcast Cable in Berkeley, and on Channel 99 via AT&T U-Verse, and on the web: WWW.BCMTV.ORG
Our Mission Statement
PEG Access stands for Public, Educational and Government Access and was created as a non-commercial forum for local citizens, educational institutions and government entities to exercise their first amendment right of freedom of speech. Pursuant to Section 611 of the Communications Act, local cities and municipalities, or franchising authorities, may require cable operators to set aside channels for public, educational, or governmental (“PEG”) use. We are fortunate to maintain this golden resource in Berkeley as so many Public Access Stations across the nation have gone by the wayside. Free Speech is an important part of the Democratic process and we are proud to offer such a forum.
The objective of Berkeley Community Media (BCM) is to strengthen our community through increasing and enhancing communication among its residents. BCM exists to provide Berkeley residents and organizations with the tools and training needed to effectively communicate with one another and with our schools and governmental bodies through the use of television and other electronic media. These resources provide community members with a non-commercial electronic free speech forum for ideas, opinions, information and creative expression originating at the grassroots level.
BCM does not select nor censor programming. It is the local residents, organizations, schools and government bodies who determine what information is important to share with the community. Our programming can be viewed on B-TV channels 28 and 33 and over the internet on the website WWW.BCMTV.ORG.
Feel free to drop by to take a tour of our facility in the Maudelle Shirek Building (Old City Hall) 2134 MLK Jr Way in Berkeley, CA 94704, call (510) 848-2288 or send an email David@bcmtv.org with any comments or questions of how you can get involved in our community.