Take a Class
Berkeley Community Media proudly offers media empowerment courses in Editing (Adobe and Final Cut Pro X), Field Production (Basic: Sony PXW-Z90V and Advanced: Sony FS5 4K), Podcasting, as well as Sling Studio (A portable studio system where cinematic cameras or phones are used to send wireless signal to iPad for live switching).
Imagine having access to everything you need to create a film, capture special community music and entertainment events as well as conduct professional interviews in the podcast studio and in the field on location.

Our basic certification courses include: Basic HD Field Production, Advanced 4K Field Production, Sling Studio, Podcasting and Editing using Adobe Premiere and Final Cut Pro.
Our other Master Class Workshops include: Story-boarding, Screenwriting, Interview Techniques, On-Camera Acting/Fighting, Copyrighting for Producers, Media Management, Mac OS Organization, and more!
Learn how to produce Short or Feature length films, TV talk and entertainment shows, Non-profit PSAs as well as training videos for organizations and government agencies.
We are Community! Open collaboration and production support means if you dream it up, we can teach you how to produce it! Check out the list of certification courses and workshops to see what best fits your media needs.
Let us capture your key moments—whether it’s in-house training, interviews, conferences, graduations, or special events—with professional quality and impact.
To set up a consultation and obtain a quote, contact Executive Director David Flores David@betv.org

Please visit and Subscribe to our YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/BerkeleyCommMedia

**Classes held at the Maudelle Shirek Building (Old City Hall) 2134 Martin Luther King Jr. Way
Basic Field Production
Do you have a film project you want to shoot on location? Have some ideas, but no equipment? No matter what level of experience, taking this course will provide a deepening of your knowledge as an artist in the way you see the world and how to capture and share.
Gain access to equipment: 4K Sony PXW-Z90V, Dracast LED lighting kit, C-Stands with Flags and reflectors, Audio equipment: Sennheiser shotgun, wireless and wired lavaliers, SM57, SM58 mics.
Learn how to properly mic, stage and light your subjects creating powerful images to further tell your story.
3 Sessions $80 Taught by Ned Pollack
Dates March 26, 27, 28
To RSVP Email: Melanie@betv.org
Classes held at the Maudelle Shirek Building (Old City Hall)
2134 Martin Luther King Jr. Way Berkeley California 94704
Advanced Field Production
Learn to use this beautiful cinematic camera. Complete training on use with various lenses, 4K, slo-mo and other basic features.
Special Atomos Ninja 4K HD recording monitor training included
*Prerequisite: Basic Field Production
2 sessions $80 taught by David Flores
Date TBD
Email: Melanie@betv.org to RSVP
Classes held at the Maudelle Shirek Building (Old City Hall)
2134 Martin Luther King Jr. Way Berkeley California 94704

Podcasting 101

Gain Media Empowerment in just two sessions and be able to share your ideas with the world. Taught by Scott Sinclair, award winning Bay Area podcaster who’s straight forward step by step guidance comes from experience and will be just what you need to develop your very own sustainable podcast. Cost is $120, plus membership to have studio access. Membership rates dependent on resident status and separate fee from workshop.
Membership to Berkeley Community Media is not required if you have your own equipment and just want to learn the techniques. However, cost for workshop is the same and you must register as a “Non-Member” in order to sign up for workshop.
BCM Master Class

Tony Jonick is an Apple Expert and a filmmaker so he knows what a valuable asset being organized can be. Join this 2 session Master Class presented by Berkeley Community Media as a way to boost your capacity to create positive work flow during your projects. You will come away much more confidence and proficiency.
PLEASE NOTE: If you are using a laptop, this Master Class will benefit you MOST if you are able to bring your computer to the sessions as Tony will be running through how to completely customize your set up
Free to attend with RSVP
February 26th and 27th 5-8pm
Final Cut Pro X and Adobe Premiere Pro
Final Cut Pro X 10.3 and Adobe Premier are industry standard editing programs for TV producers and filmmakers alike.
Berkeley Community Media is proudly offering certification in both these disciplines.
You will learn professional techniques like how to organize and lay down content on the time line, add titles, credits, effects, color correction, audio enhancement and dynamic transitions. This new version has customizable, re-callable work-spaces, powerful, new audio organization tools and you can add audio fades with one click.
Tell YOUR story, YOUR way.
3 sessions $120 Taught by David Flores
Adobe Premiere Pro: TBD
Final Cut Pro: TBD
*Editing Classes limited to 6 students.
**Payment is due in advance to secure seat in the class)
Email: Melanie@betv.org to RSVP
Classes held at the Maudelle Shirek Building (Old City Hall)
2134 Martin Luther King Jr. Way Berkeley California 94704

Intro To After Effects
Want to up the production value of your videos? Look no further than After Effects!
This non-linear editing software will allow you to add professional grade special effects to your project, create your own motion graphics and so much more!
Knowledge of Premier Pro is a pre-requisite to this class.
3 sessions $120 Taught by Qadir McCray
Dates TBD
Email: Melanie@betv.org to RSVP
Pre-requisite Adobe Premiere Pro
Sling Studio Workshop
The industry’s first portable wireless multi-camera broadcasting platform and video switcher. Record and live-stream to YouTube, Facebook & Custom RTMP. This is the solution to the problem of filming on location and having to spend hours syncing footage in order to get your content out to the world! And, because it can live stream even using a phone as a hot spot, you can successfully record festivals with interviews including text and transitions using the iPad as the live switcher.
You don’t just have to dream it, you can be it!
2 sessions $120 Taught by David Flores
September 11th & 12th 5-8pm
Email: Melanie@betv.org to RSVP
Classes held at the Maudelle Shirek Building (Old City Hall)
2134 Martin Luther King Jr. Way Berkeley California 94702

Other Workshops

Occasionally, we offer various television production, filmmaking and motion graphics classes including:
- On Camera Acting
- Script to Screen Production
- Photoshop for Animation
- Studio Directing
- Studio Audio
- Studio Lighting
- DSLR Film Production
- Film Maker Boot Camp
Become a member now and join this wonderful community of media makers. Questions? Call us at 510-848-2288